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Messages - Zyphlin

Pages: 1 2
Sportbikes / Re: Need Part numbers anyone? HERE YOU GO!!!
« on: August 06, 2009, 02:50:12 PM »
I take it these are the Zongshen part numbers if getting parts from them?

Sportbikes / Where to get parts
« on: August 06, 2009, 02:48:23 PM »
Got in a crash today and need some new parts. Was wondering if some of you more knowledgeable folks could help.

I need to find a new clutch pedal and clutch handle. Any clue on where to get one, either stock or one that should work, and how to install?

Also a cover for the left blinker as well.

Finally, a new windshield.

Any chance of finding something I could order online that would work or am I basically out of luck?

Sportbikes / Accessories
« on: May 27, 2009, 01:50:21 PM »
Was wondering if anyone knew anywhere to get good accessories for the Zongshen GS250, specifcally some kind of luggage like side bags/containers, etc.

Sportbikes / Suggestions about the Mirrors
« on: February 21, 2009, 06:40:00 PM »
Alright, love the bike but the Side Mirrors are driving me a bit crazy. Does anyone have any suggestions on replacement mirrors of things to do to make them more useable? Thanks?

Sportbikes / Re: Battery Question, need some help
« on: February 21, 2009, 06:36:31 PM »
Yeah, I am able to still start it. To be honest, and this shows you how new I am with motorcycles, I didn't know if it was like a Car where running the car would charge the battery.

I'll go ahead and try that route. Though I do wish I could figure out how to actually use this battery charger.

Sportbikes / Battery Question, need some help
« on: February 13, 2009, 07:30:09 PM »
Hey folks, been enjoying my Zongshen. Had the first warm day since back in November, 70 degree's, so finally got to pull it out of the friends garage I've had it in.

Bad thing is, the battery light was flickering. Not really surprising as it was flickering right before I put it in the garage.

I was wondering if I could get any advise or information on how to charge the battery. The two terminals are under the seat correct?

What Voltage is our battery? 12 volt?

Are we a negative ground system or a positive ground system?

I bought a small, outlet powered battery charger that is for 12 volt batteries but for whatever reason when I tried to put the clamps onto the terminals it indicated it wasn't charging. Kind of stumped here.

Any help would be appreciated. As a note, while the battery light is flashing the bike still runs fine atm.

Sportbikes / Re: Time to sell
« on: December 19, 2008, 01:28:17 PM »
I've been on mine a bit before having to put it up for the winter. Its in a friends garage right now.

I can sympathize with this guy. The bike seems to need a lot of tweaking and maintence that I had no idea about, and is almost all beyond me. I'm extremely lucky my dad was up here a bit to help with some of the things.

I'm hoping I run into small problems at worst that I can get help on this forum and friends for the next year or so as I start to pay the thing off. That's not to say I'm excited about the bike. I had a great time riding it before the weather got too cold and no problems ever since I really started getting it on the road. Here's hoping it'll work when I pull it out of the garage come spring

Sportbikes / Re: New Issue; engine shut off
« on: November 17, 2008, 10:14:22 AM »
Well, discovered my issue!

It appears that when I was originally getting the bike up and going I misunderstood something my dad pointed out to me, and I got "Off" and "On" for the fuel dial backwards.

So....somehow, and I'm unsure how I even managed this.

The past few weeks, while the bikes been parked, its been sitting with "Gas On" as far as the dial.

The past few weeks, when I've gone to ride the bike, I've turned it to "Gas Off". I imagine this hasn't been MUCH of an issue for me because I've only put about 25 miles on the bike during this time and save for the time just before this, they were at 3 or 4 mile groupings at most.

I ended up turning it to reserve, riding it up to a gas station, and filling it up. It ran fine to the gas station. Turned the gas dial then to the CORRECT "On" position and rode it for the first time really on the road to my girlfriends sister's house about 4 miles away. WOW that was fun, so different than a parking lot. The trip to the house, and back to my apartment, ran smooth.

So I think it may've been the fact I had the fuel on "On", all the time, kept trying to switch it to "Off" to drive including the time I was having the problems. That mixed with the possible trash thing Myth is talking about, and the fact that I only had about a gallon in to begin with so it was likely mostly in reserve, probably all added up to it.

Thanks for your info and help everyone!

Sportbikes / New Issue; engine shut off
« on: November 15, 2008, 10:54:12 AM »
Alright, so I FINALLY have my license plate and was able to go on the road. I go to start it up, hit the choke, get it going. As I'm pulling out I stall out once. Not TOO uncommon for me at this part of things. However it doesn't want to start back up again, just kind of goes put put put put put.

So I switch to reserve, and it goes for a bit then off. Wonderful.

I go get gas, put it in, and boom, it goes.

Yet as I'm driving it around hte parking lot I start going up a small hill and it starts to put, put, put an then the engine cuts off. Damnit.

Again, I try to get it going, after a few minutes finally I get it started again and get to park it.

I have NO IDEA why this would be happening. I know its been raining at my home for days now. I had everything shut but could water have got inside somehow and caused this? I'm just at a loss.

Also, the little battery looking icon is blinking red at me. I'm guessing that means my battery isn't fully charged? How do you charge the batteries on these things? Can you hook it up to a car battery or gotta do something different?

Sportbikes / Re: Okay... Now mine's broke...
« on: October 21, 2008, 11:19:03 AM »
Hopefully you get it up and running Myth

Sportbikes / Re: How hard to put together?
« on: October 21, 2008, 11:13:59 AM »
Thanks for the info and the advise!

Good to know the smell wasn't anything I did.

Yeah, shifting has been an issue for me on the  bike I had in my class. For some reason I would hit Neutral instead of 2nd 50% of the time I tried to upshift on the bike there. Though so far on riding this one I've not had issues shifting up to 2nd, which has made me happy.

The throttle is a LOT more sensitive though. It seems like if I let off it just a bit it c ompletley tries to go to a near stop. That'll take some getting used to.

They did mention not to downshift in a turn, though had us upshifting at times. Frankly I'm so nervous about shifting and getting it right I wouldn't want to try it at that point anyways.

Question. On the bike I road in training the gear shift pedal would noticably not move as much when you were all the way down in first gear and tried to push down, or all the way up in top gear and tried to push up. For some reason it doesn't feel like that's the case on the Zongshen? Am i right aobut this or just didn't have it in place right.

Thanks for all the help from you all, its really appreciated. I guess one more question. When shifting, when in general do you do it? Do you stay in or go in 1st gear much at all, or do you hit up to 2nd quick? What's your normal gear for cruising at about 40 MPH? Thankfully most of my driving will be between 25 and 40 MPH, 45 probably max, as I stay mostly around my town at first. I can go the back way to work to avoid going on rt 28 up here in northern Va which is always busy and about 60 is the average speed. Don't want to touch that till I'm fully comfortable.

Sportbikes / Re: How hard to put together?
« on: October 20, 2008, 04:48:00 PM »
ScooterDynasty sent me a replacement dipstick, though I've heard it was rather useless anyways.

I took a long time to send in my VIN to ScooterDynasty as I didn't feel rushed with needing to get it fixed before I could drive it. I'm bad about getting things done timely if there's not some pressure ;) So no insurance or tags yet.

However I got to ride it around the parking lot today of my apartment complex. Its a nice place, with a lot of room around most speed bumps if I want to go around, windy portions of it, and pretty little kid activity in most places. Its a nice place to get some practice. I'm still EXTREMELY new with this so it helps to have a place to get used to the bike. I really really have to get used to the friction zone on this bike, as I had problems with that when I was going through my class. Had a tendancy to stall out. I've never even done a stick shift on a Car so its rather new to me.

One issue. I thought I smealt something like a burnt smell when I got off today. Faint, and not exactly burnt, but it just didn't smell all that right. At the same time too, I did notice a bit of steam coming off the front of the bike at one point while riding (however it was rather brisk out and I only noticed it a moment, figure it could've just been the heat of the engine).

Would either of those things be out of the norm?

Sportbikes / Re: How hard to put together?
« on: October 20, 2008, 11:46:15 AM »
Well, my dad opened up the engine, searched all through there...

and found nothing.

Apparently the dipstick must've broke off BEFOER it was put on my bike, and I just got a broken dipstick to start with not one tha broke off IN my bike.

So I could've been driving it this whole time!  :oops:

On the plus side, it drives fine and I get to ride it when I get home

Sportbikes / Re: How hard to put together?
« on: October 15, 2008, 02:22:39 PM »
OOO! I'll check the manual.

And yes. I have no way to really move the motorcycle to try to get it to a motorcycle repair shop to have them take it apart. My dad has some experience doing some basic mechanic stuff and motorcycle things many years ago so he's going to give it a go monday when he comes up to visit me for the Redskins/Browns game that sunday. So any instructions for sure I could give him...or to know if we could even get to that part...would be helpful.

I want to ride my damn bike! :)

Sportbikes / Re: How hard to put together?
« on: October 15, 2008, 09:12:25 AM »
So anyone have any experience with disassembling the motor of the 250? How hard is it to get to where the oil would be kept?

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