Well The Dealer STILL HAS MY 'Lil Pak Mule.....GGGRRRRRRRR! They called me afew weeks ago and told me the engine was in. Today I get a call and all they are going to do is ADJUST MY VALVES!!!!!!! Now Nick Lin of Zongshen has ALREADY sent them an engine. The mechanic told me the engin they recieved was for another bike, THEN later in the conversation, He tells me that he cannot install the engine because it's it 2(TWO) pieces!!!! BROKEN!!!! I've e-mailed Nick AGAIN (fourth time now) to ask if I can do the install myself and send back the core. I hope so!!! The mechanic said he WILL have the NEW engine installed before I hear back from Nick. Hmm, We'll see on that. I know they have a used engin in their shop. I HOPE they don't stuff that one in.
RANT!!!!! RAVE!!!!!! STOMP!!!!!! SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:
I'm going to see if Nick can get me the NEW engine serial number to me so I can check it against the one they SAID they were installing.
I kinda hope they install a used engin so I can sue the crap out of them!!!!!
It's been to them 3 times now and still no resolution........I'M TICKED OFF BIG TIME!!!!!!!
The mechanic said "this is not a precission built engine, IT WILL SMOKE upon start up and consume oil, ALL singles do." GEEZ, I'de hate to be THAT STUPID!!!!
It ONLY smoked while injesting enough oil to HYDROLOC!!!! And after 3 times of that and finally destroying it's self to the point that it sounds like a little man is trying to escape from the engine with a little hammer and a bagg of marbles rolling around. NOW it smokes. He said it's normal and the noise isn't that bad....I haven't used their name YET, But if this keeps up, I'll start a web page and put a blog on E-Bay,which is where I bought it.
Well That's ALMOST enough ranting.
Hope Myth is haveing better luck than I. (Mis my "lil Pak Mule