ScooterDynasty sent me a replacement dipstick, though I've heard it was rather useless anyways.
I took a long time to send in my VIN to ScooterDynasty as I didn't feel rushed with needing to get it fixed before I could drive it. I'm bad about getting things done timely if there's not some pressure
So no insurance or tags yet.
However I got to ride it around the parking lot today of my apartment complex. Its a nice place, with a lot of room around most speed bumps if I want to go around, windy portions of it, and pretty little kid activity in most places. Its a nice place to get some practice. I'm still EXTREMELY new with this so it helps to have a place to get used to the bike. I really really have to get used to the friction zone on this bike, as I had problems with that when I was going through my class. Had a tendancy to stall out. I've never even done a stick shift on a Car so its rather new to me.
One issue. I thought I smealt something like a burnt smell when I got off today. Faint, and not exactly burnt, but it just didn't smell all that right. At the same time too, I did notice a bit of steam coming off the front of the bike at one point while riding (however it was rather brisk out and I only noticed it a moment, figure it could've just been the heat of the engine).
Would either of those things be out of the norm?