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djones · 5 · 3638


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So, looking at the various specs given on the inter net. What are the real specs?
How fast will it comfortably go? (I am 5'7" 240lbs)
Can it handle 70-75mph for an hour at a time? For three hours at a time?
How hard is it to get replacement parts?
Where do you get these replacement parts?
How much gas does the tank really hold?
Are the mirrors adjustable at all?

Thanks for any help you can give!


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I can answer these two:

How much gas does the tank really hold?
20 liters (~5 gallons) -- I read it different everywhere I looked. It does hold 20 liters though.

Are the mirrors adjustable at all?
No. They're pretty useless. You can see behind you if you lower down and tuck your arm back a little. It's pretty inconvenient.

As far as some general knowledge, I don't think the bike is good for 3+ hours of 75mph. I'm still in the breakin period, so I don't know for sure.


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I have to disagree slightly on the mirrors.  The actual mirror is slightly adjustable, though he is correct in how well they work.  I can use mine okay, but I've never riden another bike, so I have nothing to compare to.  When you're running down the road, the viberations make it a little hard to make out what you're looking at in the mirrors and your arms will get in the way some.

As far as top speed, I've almost hit 80mph, but I was going downhill...  And if you're going uphill, you'll lose a little speed.  I'd call 70-75mph top speed.  Comfortably, it'll do about 65mph.  

And as far as the gas tank is concerned, Marc is right.  It's a 20 liter tank which is 5.28 gallons.  It does have a reserve and a gas gauge.  I haven't check gas mileage yet, hope to get my first numbers this week.  I'll post them when I get them.  It seems that there is a broad window on the advertised MPG.
[size=150]Don't ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.[/size]


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Okay, I've went through two tanks and averaged 55mpg.  I think there are a couple of issues that are causing my mpg to be a little low, I'm going to due my 500mi maintenance tomorrow, so I'll see if I can improve that any.

I rode over the weekend at speeds floating between 65-75mph for about 70 miles or so.  I did about 200 miles in a night (11:00pm to 4:00am with a few stops).  I know 200mi in 5 hours...  But I sat in a bar for a little over an hour...  Don't worry, no alchy while ridin'. ;)

I'll due a new topic on how the 500mi maint. goes and let ya know if it helps mpg.
[size=150]Don't ride faster than your guardian angel can fly.[/size]


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I personaly just got my 250gs today and After giving it a good ride, I can say I wouldn't drive it more than 60mph in its current state without killing your motor, But If you were to change out the sprockets you could get a much higher speed at lower rpms, I would recomend getting a replacement rear sprocket with around 36-38 teeth, since its smaller it will turn faster, you loose alittle on take of, but lets face it, These bikes arn't exactly ment to tear it up off the line.


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