I used to have a magnetic tank bag on my FZ1, it folded out like an accordion depending on how much stuff I had, and also had a clear map pouch on the top. It was enough storage for an overnight trip.
I also carried bungees and a cargo net, which was great for strapping bags and stuff to the passenger seat - when I didn't need it, it lived in the tank bag. I have some pictures of my former setup I will post later. I sold it all with the bike just before my daughter was born, thinking I would never want to ride again - well I missed the second after I sold it, that's how I ended up with China bikes.
Also, I bought the Zongshen in March, and just got it registered yesterday. I had tried registration at a small local DMV, and they were not too keen on the Moto Bravo MSO for a Zongshen bike. I finally got up to Woodstock - and had it registered within 10 minutes of walking in the door.